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Secret Knowledge: Dreams come true! Body, mind and soul.

Our world is full of secrets! Each step we take is met by innumerable events which elicit thousands of reflections and emotions in the depth of our souls and ignite our brains to search for the sources and causes for this manifestation of the multifaceted life one and to discover the laws that govern those miraculous and mysterious developments so we can make some sense and perhaps use them to steer our lives towards survival and success. It is obvious that all these phenomena are subject to a coherent system of laws or principles which are the expression of the workings of natural forces towards some purpose, towards which humanity strives too.
The most complicated creature on Earth is the human being. Organically, biologically we are the the most complicated organ ism and mathematically we are the most complicated formula. Every human being is a small universe, a small center of the Universe itself. A sum of energies attracted to a common center and emanated from this center. What are we? That is the most profound problem of science. We must have clear understanding what and who we are. To know ourselves means to know the good which is deep inside us and to know how to develop that good. You must find what potential for achievement is in your intelligence, in your heart, in your will to succeed.
Everything that has happened, happens and will happen on Earth and in Heaven is written in the human being. To know that you must study yourself to discover the hidden treasures within.
We are made of form, substance and purpose. Our visible body is our form. Our heart and soul is the substance. The purpose is our thoughts and feelings.
Our bodies are the result of our intelligence. The heart brings us the blessings. The brain distributes the goodies and the will uses them. Thus we achieve a balanced personality. If your mind is full of bright thoughts, the heart of bright feelings and your will leads to noble actions, you will radiate the bright light of a good spirit. God sees and knows those who shine. Keep your light burning.. Only we, ourselves can create happiness. The first step towards happiness is to stop searching for faults in those around us. Try to see something good in everyone you come in contact with and keep that into your mind. That way you create a dynamic, creative force which will build the positive elements in you. This force will be like clean and healthy food that will support your soul and your body. This force is the manifestation of the one, heavenly life-force that flows through all existence.
When you shake hand with someone pray with all your heart that all their most cherished wishes come true. Our power is based on inner balance, peace and unity. When you achieve that you will feel profound happiness. No changes in the environment can affect your inner peace once you have achieved it. Our bodies inside and out are a reflection of our thoughts. We build as we think. Happiness is neither a journey nor a destination. It is the combination of the feelings of self-esteem and self-fulfillment when things go your way and only knowledge can help you achieve that.
Hope comes from knowing your goals which derive from your desires filtered through your values and the confidence in the soundness of your plans. Frustration is caused by confusion and fear due to lack of knowledge. It sometimes helps to describe the monsters in our life in fairytale fashion to make them look more manageable and less scary.
Self-esteem comes from knowing yourself and being thankful for what you are and what you have. Desires fuel the imagination, which leads to goals, theories and plans. When we start implementing them we advance and become wiser. Adventure is the key to knowledge and only knowledge can unlock the positive outcome inherent in any situation. Have fun!
Dreams Are Reality Action starts with a dream. A dream that we believe in. It then becomes a plan formed by our feelings, thoughts and hunches. And then it is reality. Reality is made of dreams come true! Desires lead to dreams, dreams to plans, plans to action and action to reality. Then comes reflection, perhaps satisfaction or even better discontent leading to learning and another spiral circle of desire, dream plan and action and ultimately knowledge. Fear leads to panic, worry, nightmares, mindless stupor or procrastination, alternatively haphazard action or perhaps to some planning and purposed full work towards a coherent goal and then again: reflection, perhaps satisfaction or better discontent desire to fight and success.
Fear stress and worry come from the unknown. Only knowledge can give us peace of mind and confidence. But knowledge doesn't hide in books. The most precious and the only valuable knowledge can be acquired only through experience.


To sleep, perhaps to dream... But while you dream someone has already made their mind. So be careful stay awake, be aware an ofcourse dream the dreams that you dare to dream :-)

Magic Spell

One day, three farmers took their grain to the windmill up in the mountain. Tired and hungry after the journey they sat under the thick shade of an oak tree to rest and eat. Hungry as they were, the farmers thought that the appealing roasted chicken that they have brought looks too good to share. After some deliberation the three friends reached the following wise decision: They will all have a nap under the cool shade and whoever dreams the most wonderful dream will have the chicken all for himself. Said and done. Heroic snoring resounded through the trees and even the birds stopped singing for a while, wandering: where did that horrible sound come from.

After a while still drowsy they started telling their dreams.

"Oh, I had the most wonderful dream!" said the first one. 'I dreamt that I was on the Moon exploring mysterious places and enjoying the sight of the Earth."

"That's nothing!"; said the second one. "I dreamt that I was in Heaven enjoying the angelic singing, heavenly flowers and feeling unexplainable happiness as if I was out of this world."

"That's amazing!" said the third one. "As for me, I couldn't sleep, and when I saw that one of you is on the Moon and the other in Heaven, I thought that you would never come back from such wonderful places. That's why I ate the chicken myself."

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The Greek Philosopher

Starry Sky Once upon a time, there was a Greek Philosopher. He wanted to study the world.
So he wandered around thinking and looking at the sky. As he was walking he fell into a hole. The angry philosopher climbed out of it and continued on his way eyes still glued to the sky, but soon he fell into another hole.

“These people,” he thought. “Can’t they see that I want to study the world? Why do they keep digging holes on my way to the truth?” No sir, if you want to find the truth, you must look in front of you not up.


Who Are You?

There are three types of women in this world (and three types of men). But I will talk about the women and men are often just the same.
Noah had a beautiful daughter. One day three candidates came for the hand of Noah's daughter. All three of them loved her a lot and wouldn't agree to step down so someone of the other two could marry her.
Witch Noah was in trouble. In order to satisfy all three candidates he turned his cat and his donkey in beautiful women, identical to his own daughter and married them to the three young men.
A year passed and Noah wanted to see how his daughter lived. Unfortunately he forgot who of the neigboring princes married the real woman. So he went to his first son-in-law and asked him:
“How is my daughter? Do you live well together?”
“Yes,” answered the young man. “We are quite happy together, but sometimes she scratches me with her nails, but that's OK. I guess that's in her nature.”
Noah smiled understandingly and went to his second son-in-law and asked him the same question.
“Oh, I like her,” answered the young man. “ But sometimes she kicks me. I guess that's her nature.”
“Yes, indeed,” said Noah and continued his journey towards his third daughter where he asked his third son-in-law the same question.
“She is and angel!” said the prince.
“That is my real daughter!” thought Noah.

To be a true daughter of God, you must not kick, bite or scratch anybody. Christ's teaching is: don't bite, don't kick but think as a human being and fulfull your duty on Earth: Wherever you enter bring joy and happiness with you.

The Angel of Desire

/the meaning of Freedom/

Princess! Once upon a time, in a happy kingdom was born the most beautiful princess in the world. When she grew up she fell in love with a handsome young man and they promised to marry each other. This couple was so dear to God that an angel was sent to honor their wedding.
The princess was so beautiful that the angel too fell in love with her. That made God sad and instantly the angel was turned into a beautiful bird which sang beautifully but everyone avoided the poor thing.
The angel couldn’t understand the reason for that suffering. One day as the angel-bird perched on a big tree standing on a hill in the middle of a field and lamented its fate four criminals came under the tree to divide their loot. Then they decided to send two of them to buy some food and drink to have a feast. As they were coming back from the city the two criminals decided to put poison in the food so they can divide the loot of the other two criminals between themselves. Coincidentally the other two criminals decided to kill the food bearing crooks and grab their loot too. So they shot them. After that they ate the food and drank the wine and died in pain soon after that.
That’s when the angel understood the consequences of improper, illegal desires. They bring suffering, sorrow and death. God sent us to this Earth to live by the law of this freedom.


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